↯ Forward Energy Market

Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach us at cramton.umd.edu if you cannot find an answer to your question. See cramton.umd.edu/electricity for further details on the forward energy market.

What is a Forward Energy Market?

A Forward Energy Market is a transparent and efficient market in forward energy to help market participants better manage risk, improve revenues, and reduce costs, while meeting sustainability goals. We help regulators and system operators in designing and implementing a forward energy market. We let market participants take advantage of the powerful opportunities that a forward energy market enables.

How does a Forward Energy Market work?

A Forward Energy Market uses advanced technology and data analysis to let market participants establish optimized forward energy positions to best meet their goals given their needs and capabilities.

What types of organizations do we work with?

We are a team of experts in economics, computer science, and operation research with many decades of experience designing and implementing transparent and efficient markets. We offer our expert services to:

  • Electricity and natural gas regulators
  • Electricity and natural gas system operators
  • Load serving entities
  • Wholesale electricity consumers
  • Electricity generators
  • Financial participants in the electricity and gas wholesale markets
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